Bucolic, pastoral, suburban, rural, ‘nonurban,’ country, sylvan, agrarian, agrestic, unspoiled and unimpaired.
Intolerant, prejudiced, bigoted, limited, narrow, blinkered, intellectually restricted. Racist parochial cunts. Local and unsophisticated. Idyllic, blissful, halcyon. Ignorant. Peaceful. Delusional, illusory, fanciful, and fantastical. Picturesque and heavenly. Unrealistic expectations of a place and a world that no longer exist. Hope and dreams. Ambition, intention, objective, berufung — the German word for both a calling and a vocation. Determination. Dreams. Manipulating imagination into reality.
But now let’s get back to the point. Hick. Bumpkin. Yokel and hillbilly. Countryside blues. Death and decay to the decadent urban elite. Simple and undecorated. Ecclesiastic. Unpretentious and unostentatious. Stupid beauty. Lies and manifest destiny.
It’s a great song nonetheless. I’ve never really met anyone who doesn’t like it.